EAL – Experience Analyze and Learn | Estonia

Experience Analyze and Learn

Dates: 13-21 April 2014

Venue: Tartu

Organizer NGO: Noorte Ettevõtlikkuse Arendamise Ühing

Participating Countries: Estonia, Turkey, Belgium, Netherlands

Experience Analyze and Learn

Project Information

The name – EAL- Experience, Analyze and Learn – based on the main topic of the project. In this project, the main subject was to develop self-confidence, courage and different skills through adventure activities. The main field of study in this project was also developing ourselves. The chosen subject interested all the participants of the project, as all included youngsters who are part of our society and project helps them to be more active. The main subject included different sub-subjects – developing self- confidence, courage, analyzing and communication skills, team building. For these given sub-subjects there are used a lot of different methods. Beginning with discussions in small groups, role plays and end with different outdoor adventure activities which help to develop other skills too (cultural learning, expressing their ideas, etc.). In the evenings there was cultural evenings or some other mutual activity for cultural interaction between the participants of the project.

This project held on between 13-21 April 2014 in Tartu, Estonia with partner organizations from Turkey, Belgium, and the Netherlands. They have a clear interest to develop self-confidence and courage plus other skills through adventure activities. 24 participants from 4 countries have gathered for this project and developed their personal skills.
