HQ Leaders | Estonia

HQ Leaders | Youth Exchange

Dates: 13 – 21 November 2019

Venue: Palmse, Estonia

Organizer NGO: Youth Senate Tallinn

HQ Leader Palmse


Project Description

We need more leaders, than followers. With all the events happening lately, it is extremely important that every young person becomes an engineer of own life independently, being aware of own skills, opportunities and choices. Choices that like a domino effect will eventually lead to a better future for all of us. If a person until age of 18 was never encouraged to learn more about what is happening within him/her, not just around – he/she is more likely to become a follower, than a leader. Being a follower is not always a bad choice, but what if majority chooses that way? We come to the point where everyone must awake the leader within themselves, so he can become one for the others.


This youth exchange has been designed for young people that want to step out of their comfort zone, develop/awake their leadership capabilities and that are willing to learn, share and contribute. During selection process the priority has given to participants that have never participated in Erasmus+ programme and people coming from smaller cities. 30 young people from Estonia, Turkey, Lithuania, Spain, Italy, Macedonia and Poland has gathered in Palmse – Estonia. The age frame was 17-25 years old.


The working schedule consisted of active workshops on the topics of leadership skills, intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences, debating and public speaking. Participants also learnt how to write and implement Erasmus+ projects.

Project Venue

Park Hotel Palmse

Hq Leader-Park Hotel Palmse
