S.O.S: Self & Others Smart | Erasmus+ Youth Exchange
Dates: 2020
Venue: Istanbul, Turkey
Organizer NGO: KANGO
Project Description
“S.O.S: Self & Others Smart” aims to help young people develop social and communication skills, give space to get practical knowledge, learn how to build positive relationship with yourself and others, get to know difference between intrapersonal and interpersonal communication, realize influence of relationship on one’s quality life, understand how to defend your personal opinion under group tension, increase empathy towards disadvantaged social groups – all contributing to self-development. With this project, we want to share knowledge by giving an opportunity to learn and improve intrapersonal life skills, like self-awareness, self-control, self-esteem, self-respect and self-reflection and interpersonal such as effective communication, cooperation, teamwork and problem-solving abilities, respect of similarities and differences, appreciation, empathy, trust and love. This youth exchange will empower participants and help them to enhance the employability. We believe the participants will have a valuable and inspiring experience that will help them to become captains of their own ship without letting anyone else take the wheel and move in the right direction. The overall objective of this project is to narrow the gap between the competences acquired by young people and the needs of the labor market.
The activities of the youth exchange are designed to ensure that participants improve their knowledge, change attitudes, become self-confident and self-aware. With the proposed activities and planned methods, the youth exchange will set a safety ground for free expression and interaction, exchange of good practices, inventing new ideas, and promote Erasmus+ as ocean of possibilities for self-development. This project will include 36 participants coming from 6 countries – Estonia, Turkey, Spain, Italy, Hungary, and Lithuania. Youth exchange will gather young people that have never been abroad or had a chance to participate in the international activity, that are still looking for the life path and wish to work on self-development. The age frame was set to be as followed 17-25 years old.
The dates of the Project will be announced.